Animals as a Nuisance

What would she say if I. . .

Split open the kegs
of salted sprats?

With a thundering of
wings took off?

Escaped from one
cage, and shut the window
of another?

Was more or less transparent,
becoming opaque?

Radiated the most gorgeous
colors that would gain in
depth and iridescence when
she approaches?

Folded and unfolded my
beautiful crest following
her wherever she went?

Became the inspiration of
poets and naturalists

Ventured forth into realms
that she forbade?


Written for dVerse.

10 thoughts on “Animals as a Nuisance

  1. Wow, it is unimaginable how you could post like 5 other long poems the same day as the one for dVerse. Man, I take 3-4 hrs for one of mine, then 2-3 more out on the trail reciprocating commenters on my site. You are like a whirling dervish. Is a peacock your totem; fine take on the prompt.

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